William Clarke, Ph.D. | |
ACCM Confocal Microscope
Available services include confocal imaging on an inverted Leica SP8 with two HyD Detectors and a full range of laser lines, advice and consent on sample preparation desired scientific approach, and comprehensive instruction on all facility equipment.
George McNamara, PhD | |
305-764-2081 |
Applied Imaging Mass Spectrometry - AIMS Core / Service Center
The AIMS Core offers rapid MALDI imaging at high spatial resolution, which includes sample preparation, on-tissue digests and derivatizations, and data analysis. Spatially resolved MALDI imaging measurements are directly taken from FFPE tissue section without destroying it.
Kristine Glunde, PhD | |
410-614-2705 |
Bayview Immunomics Core (BIC)
We offer flow cytometry services including multi-parameter analysis and cell sorting, multiplex based detection of soluble mediators using the MesoScale system and genomic services such as RNA cell/tissue sources and the generation of libraries for next generation sequencing.
Felipe Andrade | |
410-550-8665 |
Behavioral Core of the School of Medicine
Provides a wide range of neurobehavioral assays and tests for comprehensive and objective phenotyping of various domains of mouse or rat behaviors. The behavior core also assists with planning, designing, performing, and analyzing behavioral tests.
Chantelle Terrillion, PhD | |
410-614-4937 |
Biostatistics, Epidemiology And Data Management (BEAD) Core
Provides research support services to faculty investigators across the Johns Hopkins institution. Services include epidemiologic study design, biostatistics, database development, data management, REDCap and other data collection tool programming, and scientific grant and manuscript supp...
Jacky Jennings, PhD, MPH | |
410-550-4132 |
Amanda Moore | |
410 550 8984 |
The mission of the Center for Translational Molecular Imaging (CTMI) is to serve as an Academic Research Organization (ARO) to develop and provide state-of-the-art imaging and therapeutic agents to address unmet medical needs to bring precision medicine within the reach of patients.
Center for Infection and Inflammation Imaging Research (Ci3R)
The Center for Infection and Inflammation Imaging Research is an interdisciplinary core center that provides state-of-the art small animal imaging equipment, including PET, SPECT, CT and US mainly focusing on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of infectious and inflammatory processes.
Sanjay K Jain, MD | |
410-502-8241 |
Center for Interdisciplinary Sleep Research and Education (CISRE)
Frank Sgambati | |
410-550-6387 |
Computational Biology Consulting Core
Offers state-of-the-art bioinformatics analyses of sequencing data and consulting for a variety of genomics and sequencing-based applications, including transcriptomic, CHiP-seq, whole-genome and whole-exome, and metagenomic experiments.
Liliana Florea, PhD | |
443-287-5624 |
Coordinated Services for Metabolism Research (CSMR)
Susan Aja, PhD | |
443-287-7671 |
EXCEL - EXtracellular particle Characterization and Enrichment Lab (EV Core)
Express Radiology Research Lab
The Express Radiology Research Laboratory performs advanced radiology training and critical large animal research. The lab enables Johns Hopkins researchers to evolve benchside research into clinical trials for industry practice and improved patient health care.
Rebecca Krimins, DVM, MS | |
410-955-9617 |
FEST and TCR Immunogenomics Core
Our aim is to provide cost-effective and time-efficient access to cutting-edge genomic technologies and expert assistance with MANAFEST Assay experimental design and execution, next generation TCR beta DNA sequencing and bioinformatics data analysis
Kellie Smith, PhD | |
410-502-7523 |
GRCF Cell Center & Johns Hopkins BioBank
The GRCF provides research expertise, products & services to study the human genome, taking your sample from collection through cell line (including authentication), storage, isolated DNA, methylation analysis, sequencing (Sanger or NGS) & genotyping, while providing all the reagents y...
Melissa Olson, PhD | |
410-955-6327 |
Genetic Resources Core Facility DNA Services
The GRCF provides research expertise, products & services to study the human genome, taking your sample from collection through cell line (including authentication), storage, isolated DNA, methylation analysis, sequencing (Sanger or NGS) & genotyping, while providing all the reagents y...
General Lab contact | |
410-955-2836 |
High Throughput Screening (ChemCORE)
Provides HTS services with FDA approved drugs and small molecular libraries on 96/384/1536 well plates, HTS consultation and grant support letter, instrument and automation equipment training and flexible self-service access, and cherry-picking Human ORF and Human/Mouse shRNA clones.
Alan Long, MS | |
410-502-3069 |
High-Throughput Phenotypic Screening Core
Prof. Jeff Mumm | |
Infectious Diseases STD Service Center
Our STD Service Center staff is committed to helping researchers, healthcare professionals, and commercial technology developers address this epidemic. We offer testing for chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomonas, mycoplasma, syphilis, and HIV.
Yukari Manabe, MD | |
410-955-8571 |
JHBUI Biorepository and Translational Research Service Center
Provides specimen intake & management, HIV viral isolation & quantitation, serologic testing for viral infections, DNA extraction. Epi-genetic laboratory is housed at Shannon Drive equipped with robotic technology for DNA extraction & liquid handler instrument for DNA plating for genetic analyses.
Brandy Yeater | |
410-502-4962 |
MRB Molecular Imaging Service Center and Cancer Functional Imaging Core
The MRB Molecular Imaging Service Center and Cancer Functional Imaging Core, and its satellite facility in CRB2-LB03, provides comprehensive molecular and functional imaging (MR, PET, SPECT, CT, optical, microscopy, ultrasound) to support the in vivo imaging research needs of investigators.
Dr. Zaver M. Bhujwalla | |
410-502-0174 |
MRI Service Center
Hanzhang Lu, PhD | |
410-955-1431 |
Macromolecular Biophysics Core
Mario A Bianchet, PhD | |
4106148221 |
Microscope Facility (MicFac)
We provide access to state-of-the-art fluorescence microscopes (7 confocals, 4 super-resolution), transmission and scanning electron microscopes (2 TEM, 1 SEM), and analysis software. We offer operational training, assistance, and custom specimen preparation. Scientific consultations also available.
MicFac Staff | |
410-614-6890 |
NCRL (Echo Lab)
The Non-Invasive Cardiovascular Research Lab (NCRL) provides support for clinical trials in echocardiography. Expertly and fully staffed, the echo core lab provides strict quality assurance, fast turnaround times, and high-quality image storage.
Nicole Bavaro, RDCS, FASE |
nsoelln1@jhmiedu |
410-614-3650 |
Non-iLab, JHU SOM Core Facilities
This is a listing of SOM Cores which have not yet implemented iLab. As these cores implement the iLab management program they will move from this listing to the cores active in iLabs.
Shawn Franckowiak, MBA | |
2-0484 |
Oncology Tissue Services, SKCCC
Johns Hopkins, Oncology Tissue and Imaging Service Core Lab (JHU OTIS Core) provides customized histology and immunohistochemistry (IHC) service and FFPE (formalin-fixed paraffin embedded) tissue sampling for RNA/DNA extractions. We also provide Tissue Microarray design, construction and scann...
Alan Meeker | |
410-502-3398 |
Phenocore, Phenotyping and Experimental Pathology Core
The Phenotyping Core provides translational animal research expertise, pathology testing, collaborations, and training; specializing in Clinical Pathology (Hematology, Clinical Chemistry), Histopathology (pre GLP, GLP); and other preclinical testing.
Cory Brayton, DVM, DipACVP | |
410-502-3050 |
Precision Medicine Analytics Platform
The Precision Medicine Analytics Platform (PMAP) gives researchers the ability to request, aggregate, and analyze patient data from multiple Johns Hopkins Medicine systems, for research purposes. It includes secure infrastructure and data analysis tools.
Aalok Shah | |
667-208-7457 |
ProHealth Clinical Research Center
Crystal Brice | |
410-955-4156 |
Reference Histology
Fee for service histology is also provided for JHU researchers, investigators and physicians, smaller laboratories or for individuals seeking histological services and/or technical expertise. Services are provided for both human and animal tissue samples. Reference Histology is within Patholog...
Marquise Taylor | |
410-955-3620 |
Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumors (RECIST) and Special Imaging Reads/Non-RECIST Response Evaluations
Since 2006, Johns Hopkins Department of Radiology has offered special research radiologic reads, including reads according to various RECIST guidelines, as outlined in research cancer trial protocols.
Gale Christensen | |
443-287-2676 |
Ross Flow Cytometry
Ross flow cytometry core: Ross flow cytometry core has state-of-the-art flow cytometers for high-speed cell sorting and multiple-color flow analysis. We offer expertise to research community at JHU for experimental design, sample preparation, and flow cytometry data analysis.
Zack Wang, PhD | |
410-614-0041 |
Ross Imaging Center
Available to all JHU researchers, and outside users, with our main focus being the members of our NIH NIDDK funded P30 Center and collaborators in the Division of Gastroenterology. We have additional interactions with members of the Division of Cardiology, throughout DOM, and SOM.
George McNamara, PhD | |
305-764-2081 |
SKCCC Biostats Core
Amanda Blackford | |
410-614-0361 |
Single Cell & Transcriptomics Core
The Single Cell & Transcriptomics Core provides a variety of genomic/transcriptomic and data analysis services for Single cell RNAseq, single cell ATACseq, single cell DNAseq, bulk RNAseq, ATACseq, ChIPseq, and more.
Seth Blackshaw, PhD | |
The Beckman Center for Cryo-EM
The Beckman Center for Cryo-EM at Johns Hopkins provides cutting edge cryo-EM to the Johns Hopkins and regional communities. Located in the Rangos building on the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine campus, the center houses a 300 kV G3 Titan Krios TEM, along with a 200 kV Glacios TEM and an
Duncan Sousa | | |
The Cardiovascular Physiology and Surgery Core
The Cardiovascular Physiology and Surgery Core is available to provide the Johns Hopkins community and beyond three types of cardiovascular procedures on small animals, including, but not limited to, mouse and rat: echocardiography, survival surgery, and hemodynamics.
David Kass | |
410-955-7153 |
The Center for Proteomics Discovery
Will identify and quantify proteins and modifications in extracts or gels by nanoLC tandem high resolution MS (MuDPIT), isobaric mass tags (TMT) or PTM enrichment. Provides targeted detection or quantification by Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM) of multiple proteins in single sample or multi...
Chan-Hyun Na, PhD | |
410-502-3194 |
The Rheumatic Disease Research Core Center (RDRCC)
The core collects and stores serum, DNA and RNA from patient cohorts. The core also offers a range of assays to detect autoantibodies and other analytes in sera, and the immunostaining of tissue sections. Our mission is to facilitate innovate studies on rheumatic diseases.
Laura Gutierrez, MD | |
410-550-1468 |
Transgenic Mouse Core
The Transgenic Core offers a range of services to the Hopkins community to assist researchers with developing new mouse models, importing models and cryopreserving existing mouse lines.
Chip Hawkins | |
410-614-3858 |
Tumor Microenvironment Lab
Logan Engle | |
2-2197 |
Wilmer Biostatistics Center
Full PC & Mac H/W & S/W support for 8 SOM departments and 2 institutes including server accounts and backups, printer maintenance & network jack and IP requests. Build high end computing PCs, are an Apple Authorized Provider and support a home PC for faculty. Implement email and OS transitions.
Xiangrong Kong, Ph.D | |