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ICTR Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA) Consulting Service

Welcome to the Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA)’s iLab


If you are here to request our services, please follow the Intake Request Form Process detailed below. We look forward to working with you!!


If you are looking for more information about who we are and how we can serve you, please see our home page. (CCDA Homepage)

Intake Request Form Process


To request services, please visit the CCDA home page and click Make a Request. You will be asked to complete a brief intake form so that we can capture your interests early in the project. Upon review of the intake request form, CCDA will provide you with an estimate of cost for work performed and resource hours. Rates are as follows:

Analysis and Data Extraction Services for IRB Approved Studies:

Effective July 1, 2020 $118/hour for new projects; existing projects will remain at the same rate.

  • The first 2 hours of guidance and feasibility review for new projects are free of charge
  • Ongoing maintenance of established periodic extracts is factored into the cost
  • Additional requests outside the scope of the initial project will be charged at the agreed upon hourly rate.


Analysis and Data Extraction Services for Quality Improvement Projects:

Effective July 1, 2020 $118/hour for new projects; existing projects will remain at the same rate.

  • Rates apply for guidance and feasibility review of new projects
  • Ongoing maintenance of established periodic extracts is factored into the cost
  • Additional requests outside the scope of the initial project will be charged at the agreed upon hourly rate.






Dr. Christopher Chute
iCore Director


Dr. David Thiemann
Medical Director, CCDA


Shipra Sachdeva

IT Manager, CCDA




Location and hours of operation





8:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M        


750 E. Pratt Street Baltimore MD 21201




Links and Resources


    1. ICTR CCDA Web Page


Name Role Phone Email Location
Shipra Sachdeva MS
CCDA Manager
750 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore MD 21201