ACCM Confocal Microscope

Overview of Services 

Available services include:

  • Confocal Imaging on an inverted Leica SP8 with two HyD Detectors and a full range of laser lines
  • Advice and consent on sample preparation desired scientific approach
  • Comprehensive instruction on all facility equipment
  • July 1, 2024 Leica SP8 confocal microscope Hourly rate $30/hr work hours; $22/hr nights & weekends; Training/assistance $135/hr.


The Ross Imaging Core and ACCM Imaging core are combining resources to providing management, user training and oversight, consultation, and space, for a Leica SP8 confocal microscope available to users across JHU.


 Prof. Cyrus David Mintz, MD, PhD | Director

 Prof. Nicola Heller, PhD - Incucyte

 George McNamara, PhD - Confocal microscope core manager and iLab admin

  Ryan Placek - ACCM Department 

Location and Hours of Operation

Hours Location

Leica SP8 confocal microscope

Monday - Friday

9am - 5pm


All instrumentation is available 24/7

to fully trained users (scan card or key access)      


Incucyte S3 live cell imaging (in incubator)

Training and setupL Mon-Fri 9am-5pm by appointment

Use: available 24/7  for fully trained users.

Ross Bldg, 9th floor

720 Rutland Ave

Baltimore, Md 21205-2195         





Ross Bldg 3rd floor



Links and Resources


Name Role Phone Email Location
George McNamara, PhD
Ross 913S