The Genetic Resources Core Facility (GRCF) Cell Center & Johns Hopkins BioBank was established in 1989 as a core resource to produce immortalized cell lines from human blood (EBV transformations). Continued success has enabled the lab to open its doors to the Hopkins community at large and to expand its services to include cryogenic storage in an on-site biorepository, bioprocessing such as mammalian cell culture and blood processing and domestic / international bioshipping. In 2013 the GRCF Cell Center & Johns Hopkins BioBank proudly received the international recognition of CAP (the College of American Pathologist) Accreditation. This voluntary program demands that a laboratory go well beyond acceptable quality and regulatory compliance measures to help achieve the highest standards of excellence in our services. Our mission in the GRCF is to bring high quality, cost effective services to investigators throughout the Johns Hopkins scientific community.
Director of the GRCF : Melissa V. Olson, Ph.D.
Dr. Melissa Olson, Director of the GRCF and Director of the GRCF Cell Center & Johns Hopkins BioBank has more than 25 years of cell culture and biorepository experience. She oversees the activities of all the divisions of GRCF. She oversees the GRCF staff and ensures that long-term cryogenic storage are handled in a timely and expert manner. In addition, she offers assistance to faculty in the design and implementation of projects involving maintenance or storage of cultured cells.
Sr. Bioprocessing Coordinator: Caryn Dearstine
Sr. BioBank Coordinator: Patrick Catterson
Bioprocessing & BioBank Expert Staff: Daniel Coleman, Jonathan Juba, Evan Ciapura, Daniel Coleman
Location and hours of operation
Hours: Mon - Thurs: 8:30am - 6pm, Same day processing drop off by 3:00pm
Fri: 8:30am - 5:30pm, Same day processing drop off by 2pm
Service Location: Blalock 1001A
Mailing Address: GRCF Cell Center & Johns Hopkins BioBank
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutes
600 N. Wolfe Street
Blalock 1017
Baltimore, MD 21287
General Phone: 410-614-5201
Email Contacts:
Name | Role | Phone | Location | |
Melissa Olson, PhD |
Director of the GRCF
Patrick Catterson |
BioBank Coordinator
Caryn Dearstine |
Bioprocessing Coordinator
Jonathan Juba |
BioBank & Bioprocessing Staff
Susan Carilli |
BioBank & Bioprocessing Staff
Services & Pricing |
► 10X Genomics Chromium (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Cell Count / Viability- 10x Genomics Support | Inquire | ||
► Biorepository Fees (3) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Supplementary Hourly Fee | Inquire | ||
Specimen Transfer Fee |
Administrative form fee for transfer of sample aliquots from Originating Principal Investigator to a recipient PI (JHMI or outside). |
Inquire | |
Labeling Printing |
Generation of labels based on File |
Inquire | |
► Blood Processing (14) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
A.1 - CPT Lymphocyte Isolation |
Lymphocyte isolation from CPT tubes and cryopreservation. Lymphocyte separation. Cell count. Viability determination. Cryopreservation of 1-4 vials (@5x10E6 each) of non-transformed lymphocytes @5x10E6cells.Database entry for all aliquots. |
Inquire | |
Additional Lymphocyte Vial |
Cryopreservation of additonal vial (@5x10E6 each) of non-transformed lymphocytes @5x10E6cells. Cell count. Viability determination. Database entry for all aliquots. |
Inquire | |
A - Lymphocyte Isolation |
Lymphocyte isolation and cryopreservation. Lymphocyte separation. Cell count. Viability determination. Cryopreservation of whole blood (1ml). Cryopreservation of 1-4 vials (@5x10E6 each) of non-transformed lymphocytes @5x10E6cells.Database entry for all aliquots. |
Inquire | |
B - (A) + Transformation |
Fresh WB Transformation and T25 flask. Lymphocyte separation. Cell count. Viability determination. Cryopreservation of whole blood (1ml). Cryopreservation of 1-4 vials (@5x10E6 each) of non-transformed lymphocytes @5x10E6cells. Transformation of fresh lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus.Cryopreservation of 2 vial of (transformed) lymphoblasts @5x10E6cells. Database entry for all aliquotes. Allow 4 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
C - (B) + Additional Vials and Hold |
Fresh WB Transformation and hold. Lymphocyte separation. Cell count. Viability determination. Cryopreservation of whole blood (1ml). Cryopreservation of 1-4 vials (@5x10E6 each) of non-transformed lymphocytes @5x10E6 cells. Transformation of fresh lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus. Cryopreservation of 4 vials (transformed) lymphoblasts @5x10E6 cells. Database entry for all aliquots. Allow4-5 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
D - (B) + Bulk |
Fresh WB Transformation with bulk growth. Lymphocyte separation. Cell count.Viability determination. Cryopreservation of whole blood (1ml). Cryopresarvation of 1-4 vials (@5x10E6 each) of non-transformed lymphocytes @5x10E6cells.Transformation of fresh lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus. Bulk growth (1x10E8) of transformed cells. Cryopreservation of 4 vials of (transformed) lymphoblasts @5x10E6 cells. Database entry for all aliquots. Allow 6-8 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
E - Plasma Isolation (price for first 5 aliquots) |
Isolation and cryopreservation of plasma. Plasma is separated by centrifugation, recovered in a sterile manner. Cryopreservation of vials (0.5 -1 ml/vial), first 1-5 aliquots included in price (additional vials $1.00/vial), and banked at -80C (additional storage charges apply). Database entry for all aliquots. |
Inquire | |
F - Sera Isolation (price for first 5 aliquots) |
Isolation and cryopreservation of sera. Sera is separated by centrifugation, recovered in a sterile manner. Cryopreservation vial(s) (0.5 -1 ml/vial) vials, first 1-5 aliqots included in price (additional vials $1.00/vial), and banked at -80C (additional storage charges apply). Database entry for all aliquots. |
Inquire | |
G - Initial Growth + Transformation |
Thaw and transformation of lymphocytes w/EBV. Culture to 5x106 cells/ml, suitable for cryopreservation of 2 vial transformed lymphocytes. Allow 4 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
H - (G) + Additional Vials & Hold |
All services listed in (G), plus 2 additional cryopreserved vials of transformed lymphocytes (at 5x106 cells/ml) (Total 4). Allow 4-5 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
I - (G) + Bulk |
All service in (H), plus culture to 1x108 cells/ml suitable for DNA analysis (cell pellet). Allow 6-8 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
J - T25 Flask + Replacement vial |
Culture suitable for T25 pick up and cryopreservation of 1 replacement vial (@ 5x10^6 cells/ml). Allow 3-5 for completion. |
Inquire | |
K - Bulk + Replacement vial |
Culture to 1x108 cells/ml suitable for DNA analysis (cell pellet) and cryopreservation of 1 replacement vial (@5x10^6 cells/ml). Allow 2-3 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
Monocyte Isolation |
Monocyte isolation and cryopreservation. Lymphocyte & Monocyte separation. Cell count. Viability determination. Cryopreservation of whole blood (1ml). Cryopreservation of 1-4 vials (@5x10E6 each) of non-transformed monocytes @5x10E6cells. Database entry for all aliquots |
Inquire | |
► Cell Culture (16) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Contamination Culture Test |
Growth of culture for 14 days with visual inspection of contamination |
Inquire | |
Fresh Tissue: Fibroblast Establishment |
Establish primary cells from skin biopsy. Prepare frozen stocks 4 vials @1x10E6 up to 3x10E6 cells each of established cell lines. Includes cell count and viability and Mycoplasma test of initial media containing the biopsy. |
Inquire | |
Frozen Cell Line: Expansion & Pellet Preparation |
Cell culture expansion of established cell line, cryopreservation of replacement vial @5e6 cells/ml and Cell Pellet Preparation. Culture to 10e8 cells suitable for DNA analysis. |
Inquire | |
Frozen Cell Line: Adherent T175 |
Growth of an established adherent cell line in a T175 flask |
Inquire | |
Frozen Cell Line: Adherent T25 |
Growth of an established adherent cell line in a T25 flask |
Inquire | |
Frozen Cell Line: Adherent T75 |
Growth of an established adherent cell line in a T75 flask |
Inquire | |
Frozen Cell Line: Expansion |
Growth of established cell lines in tissue culture flasks. Price per vial |
Inquire | |
Frozen Cell Line: Suspension T25 |
Growth of established suspension cell lines in T25 flask |
Inquire | |
Frozen Cell Line: Suspension T75 |
Growth of established suspension cell lines in a T75 flask |
Inquire | |
Frozen LCL: Replacement Trans & 10e8 Pellet |
Subsequent bulk growth. Bulk growth (1x10E8 cells) of a transformed established cell line. Cryopreservation of cell pellet or 20 vials of transformed lymphoblasts. Allow approximately 2-3 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
Frozen LCL: Replacement Trans & Flask |
Subsequent growth. T25 flask (5x10E6 cells) of a transformed cell line. Allow approximately 3-5 days for completion. (Replacement of initial vial) |
Inquire | |
Frozen PBMC: Transformation 2 vials and/or Flask |
Subsequent transformation and T25 flask. Transformation of frozen lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus. Cryopreservation of 2 vial of (transformed) lymphoblasts @5x10E6 cells. Database entry for all aliquots. Allow 4 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
Frozen PBMC: Transformation 4 vials and 10e8 Pellet |
Subsequent transformation with bulk growth. Transformation of cryopreserved lymphocytes with Epstein-Barr virus.Bulk growth (1x10E8) of transformed. Cryopreservation of 4 vials of (transformed) lymphoblasts @5x10E6 cells. Database entry for all aliquotes. Allow approximately 6-8 weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
Frozen PBMC: Transformation 4 vials and/or Flask. |
Subsequent transformation and hold. Transformation of frozen lymphocyteswith Epstein-Barr virus. Cryopreservation of 4 vials of (transformed) lymphoblasts @5x10E6 cells. Database entry for all aliquots. Allow 4-5weeks for completion. |
Inquire | |
Frozen LCL: Cell Pellet |
Preparation of cell pellet (100,000,000 cells) |
Inquire | |
Frozen Trans: Frozen Re-stock |
Prepare frozen stocks @ 5x10E6 cells each of established cell lines. |
Inquire | |
► Cells for Distribution (4) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Cell Line Distribution Start Up |
Set up cost for Cell Line Distribution when fewer than 5 distribution requests per month are expected |
Inquire | |
Cell Line Distribution Start Up |
Set up cost for Cell Line Distribution when 5-9 distribution requests per month are expected |
Inquire | |
Cell Line Distribution Start Up |
Set up cost for Cell Line Distribution when 10-19 distribution requests per month are expected |
Inquire | |
Minimum New Cell Line Deposit |
Cell line deposit: 5 lines, no distribution |
Inquire | |
► Clinical Trial Support (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Sterility Testing |
Sterility testing of retention samples to include aerobic organisms using Tryptic Soy Broth media and anaerobic organisms using Fluid Thioglycollate Medium. Testing to continue for 14 days at 32.5^C. Report generated for each sample tested. |
Inquire | |
► CryoCart Rental (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
CryoCart Rental (per 1 hour) |
User and PI must sign CryoCart/Cryogenic Liquids User Responsibility Agreement prior to use of CryoCart. |
Inquire | |
► Disposal (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Specimen Disposal (Quantity) |
Disposal with Certificate of Discard |
Inquire | |
► Dry Ice (1) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Dry Ice (by the pound) |
Customers: Use Dry Ice Request Form at top of page for purchasing Dry Ice, price per 1 pound |
Inquire | |
► Fees (5) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Attempt Fail Fee |
FAIL Attempt for expansion after attempts at service request completion are made |
Inquire | |
Start-up Supplies Fee |
Supplies needed for modified protocol |
Inquire | |
Fresh WB: Attempt Fail Fee |
FAIL Attempt for Transformation after three attempts are made (or less if requested by researcher) to complete transformation. |
Inquire | |
Incoming Specimen Contamination |
Specimen contaminated upon receipt |
Inquire | |
Specialized Processing Fee For Failed Transformation |
Defined dates and times for patient sample processing: including technician monitoring of critical processing time points, refrigerated centrifuge, and aliquoting on ice with snap freezing.
Inquire | |
► Outside Services (4) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
RNA Isolation |
Isolation of RNA from cultured cells by FAF |
Inquire | |
Mycoplasma Test |
Mycoplasm Test after completion |
Inquire | |
DNA Isolation |
DNA Isolation by FAF |
Inquire | |
C1 Product Qauntitation by PicoGreen |
PicoGreen as assessed in FAF core. |
Inquire | |
► Retrieval (3) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
9 x 9 Cryo Storage Box |
Purchase of a 9 x 9 Cryo Storage Box, suitable for long term storage. |
Inquire | |
Envelope + Dry Ice |
Purchase of Envelope + Dry Ice for Customer Biospecimen Transport |
Inquire | |
Vial Retrieval (Quantity) |
Retrieval of specimens under vial rate. |
Inquire | |
► Shipment Box (3) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Small Foam Shipping Box |
Package UN3373 Small 6lb Box 11"x9"x7" Please email to inquire about purchasing |
Inquire | |
Medium Foam Shipping Box |
Package UN3373 Medium 20lb Box 14"x14"14" Please email to inquire about purchasing |
Inquire | |
Large Foam Shipping Box |
Package UN3373 Large 60lb Box 24"x16"x16" Please email to inquire about purchasing |
Inquire | |
► Shipping Charges (2) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
FedEx Shipping |
FedEx Charges |
Inquire | |
WorldCourier Shipping |
WorldCourier Charges |
Inquire | |
► Storage (3) | |||
Name | Description | Price | |
Annual Cryogenic Storage - Vial Rate |
Yearly Storage per vial July 1- June 30 coverage Total charge initiated in July for investigators with less than 500 samples. |
Inquire | |
Quarterly Cryogenic Storage - Vial Rate |
Quarterly storage per vial For Investigators with >500 samples |
Inquire | |
Blood Spot Storage |
Cost per card |
Inquire |