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The Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine (SOM) Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility assists investigators to identify and quantify proteins and their modifications that are differentially expressed in cells, tissues or body fluids, to track interactions with binding partners during changes in signal transduction, and to identify proteolytic cleavage sites and map post-translational modifications by providing the following proteomic services:
Director's Office: 709 Miller Research Building (MRB)
Associate Director's Office: 512 Wood Basic Science Building (WBSB)
Staff Offices: 509 and 510 Hunterian Building (Hunt)
Research Labs: 503 and 504 WBSB
MALDI Lab: 511 Hunt
Phone Number: 410-614-6968
Operation: Monday through Friday, 9 am - 5 pm
Sample Drop off freezer at WBSB 503: available all week, all times
Sample Drop Off Protocol:
1. Label tubes with: Tube number, iLabs Service ID, Sample Name
2. Place samples in an empty numbered rack in the core’s -20C freezer located outside WBSB 503.
3. Take a picture of your samples in the freezer rack.
4. Upload the picture to your project in iLabs. No picture, can’t start project.
Dr. Chan-Hyun Na
Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Facility
Department of Biological Chemistry, WBSB 512
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
725 N. Wolfe St.
Baltimore, MD 21205
Name | Role | Phone | Location | |
Chan-Hyun Na, PhD |
MRB 709
Jodie Franklin |
Lab Manager
410-614-6968 ext 2
Hunterian 510
Robert N. O'Meally, M.S. |
Technical Director, Proteomics Specialist
410-614-6968 ext 2
Hunterian 510
Joshua W. Smith, PhD |
Research Associate
410-614-6968 ext 3
Hunterian 509
David Kirchner, M.S. |
Proteomics Specialist
410-614-6968 ext 3
Hunterian 509
Taekyung Ryu |
Associate Director
410-614-6968 ext 1
WBSB 512